Commercial Leasing Insights, case updates and book reviews

Assignment v. Subletting May 21, 2024

One of the most misunderstood aspects of commercial leasing is the difference between assignments and subleases.

I recently received an assignment of lease which was attempting to assign 1/2 the premises to one assignee and the other 1/2 to another assignee.

Spoiler Alert - this is not an...

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Case Update:  When is "As Is" not "as is"? May 19, 2024

In commercial leasing, "as Is" deals are very common and landlords assume that a carefully crafted lease which clearly states that the deal is completely "as is" and with the usual warning that the burden is on tenant to conduct appropriate due diligence will protect the landlord from any defects...

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Book of the Week May 19, 2024

I think I just finished my favorite book of 2024!  Susan Fletcher’s The Night in Question (2024) features 87-year old Florrie Butterfield. This is a mystery and Florrie’s life story.  Florrie lives at Babbington Hall, a senior living facility in Oxfordshire,...

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